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Our Committees

Academics and Advising Committee

The Academics and Advising Committee is dedicated to creating, advocating for, and implementing new College-wide academic policies. Our goal is to establish academic policies that make CAS students’ academic experiences more manageable, fair, diverse, and meaningful. Our committee work consists of brainstorming initiatives, listening to CAS students’ academic needs, reviewing survey results, writing administrative proposals, meeting with and presenting to academic administrators, and much more!

Read more about A&A Committee

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee

The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee has an objective of creating a more welcoming and inclusive environment at Penn. We aim to raise awareness for racial injustices in the College community; our committee work includes creating a LGBTQ+ student support system within the College of Arts and Sciences, synergizing DEI considerations into the College curriculum, and making inclusive wording (e.g. pronouns) common practice in syllabi.

Read more about DEI Committee

Mental Health Committee

The Mental Health and College Community Committee is dedicated to working alongside the Dean, the College office, student associations across campus, and the rest of DAB to promote mental well-being among all College students and the greater Penn community. The committee works to achieve this mission through the implementation of events like guest speaker talks, student panels, and destressing events oriented around promoting a greater conversation surrounding mental health.

Mental Health Committee Page

Community Engagement Committee

The Community Engagement Committee is focused on fostering opportunities for students to partner with the surrounding Philadelphia area. We are dedicated to upholding Penn's connection with the community and ensuring that these opportunities are within reach for all students. In collaboration with the Netter Center for Community Partnerships, we hope to get more students involved outside of the immediate on-campus activities and engage in valuable, mutually transformative relationships with organizations around the city. 

Community Engagement Committee Page
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